

2019/6/22(土)- 7/7(日)
12:00 - 19:00 月、火休廊

山神悦子 経歴


版画作品『7 for 7』は水彩小品集『4 for 4』(2018年)で取り上げた4名の作家に、3名の日本人作家を加え、7つの引用文としました。いずれも作家が現実世界と一体化し、作品が生まれる瞬間に立ち会っているような臨場感があります。そこから得るイメージを7点の版画にしてアルバムを作りました。

“When a painting takes its shape”

These several years I pick up minerals as motives to start painting.  However, even if I start painting tableau with an image of mineral, the painting continues to evolve through conversation with the tableau in front of me, and it may end with strong favor of minerals or some other image when the final brush is completed.  I could say that I paint with my own rhythm and sense of colors rather than sticking to one theme or specific concept.  Ideally I believe that a painting should take its shape as a result of these processes.
In the album of print works”7 for 7”, I added three Japanese authors’ quotes to four authors’ in the album of watercolor drawaing”4 for 4” (2018).  In these seven quotes, each author shows a sense of unity between him(her)self and his(her) world, and I am witnessing the moment when their works take their own shapes.  I made seven woodcuts based on these seven images emerging from these quotes.
Etsuko Yamagami

オープニングレセプション 6/22(土)17:00 - 19:00
鑑賞ワークショップ  SIGN 「色彩の深層へ ~イメージを手繰り、言葉を紡ぐ試み~」7月6日[土] 19:30 – 21:30 *要予約


  • 紙の上の思考Ⅶ-words #3

    紙の上の思考Ⅶ-words #3

  • 紙の上の思考Ⅸ-record


  • 山神悦子 now and everywhere

    山神悦子 now and everywhere

  • 紙の上の思考Ⅶ-words


  • 紙の上の思考Ⅵ-エスキース


  • 山神悦子 絵画が生まれる時

    山神悦子 絵画が生まれる時